Customer Review Awards 2024
The report showed that tourists from mainland China preferred to search about Cha Chaan Teng whose page view was 10 times higher than other kinds of restaurants.
Ten restaurants sighed contracts with Meituan-Dianping including Daikiya Japanese Restaurant, Great Beef Hotpot, Wing Nin Noodle .etc.

Ms. Becky Ip, the deputy executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board said that the restaurant got more customers after joining Meituab-Dianping. The ten QTS restaurants sighed contracts with Meituan-Dianping including Tai Woo Seafood Restaurant, Dragon King Restaurant, Ramen Bari-Uma, Daikiya Japanese Restaurant, Hee Kee Fried Crab Expert, Ah Yat Harbour View Restaurant, Great Beef Hotpot, The Drunken Pot, Wing Nin Noodle and Crabtain Restaurant.

Ms. Becky Ip, the deputy executive director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board believed that The Quality Tourism Services (QTS) Scheme will help the business growth and tourists experiences.