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5000+ Available

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8000+ Available

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Package A For Catering

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)14,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

Package B For Catering

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)9,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

Package C For Catering

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)9,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

More Favourable Packages
In The Future......
Package A For Retails Business

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)6,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

Package B For Retails Business

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)6,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

Package For Recreation

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)6,000 RMB

Free to Manage All Branch Stores

4 Branch Stores Or More - Get 20% Off

Regular Customers - Get Discounts For More Than 20,000 Promotion Pass

More Favourable Packages
In The Future......
Package A For Xiaohongshu

10 KOLs

KOL with 5,000-10,000 fans

One Post Per KOL

Package B For Xiaohongshu

10 KOLs (Get 2 More Now)

KOL with 30,000-40,000 fans

One Post Per KOL

Package C For Xiaohongshu

20 KOLs

KOL with 30,000-40,000 fans

One Post Per KOL

Package D For Xiaohongshu
48000 38000HKD

50 KOLs

KOL with 3,000 fans

One Post Per KOL

Package A For Douyin

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)15,000 RMB

Get Blue V (Official Identity)

Marked With Blue V, Post Contents And Interact With Users With Official Identity

Help To Manage The Brand And Analyse The Effect For 365 Days

Package B For Douyin

Including Promotion Pass (推廣通)25,000 RMB

Get Blue V (Official Identity)

Marked With Blue V, Post Contents And Interact With Users With Official Identity

Able To Provide Multiple Promotions During The Advertising

More Favourable Packages
In The Future......